Education and Technology

Education and Technology Key Points:

  • “We don't know if a lot of Chemical Engineers are aware of the importance and urgency of these issues, many courses at University can be oil and gas based because currently that's where the jobs and opportunities lie.  For example, we're not talking in our Undergraduate Courses about how recycling works or green infrastructure design, that's a symptom of where our job opportunities lie and changing this could be a potential for helping Chemical Engineers be involved in the solution. 
  • There needs to be more avenues into sustainability for chemical engineering students because this is where our new job opportunities lie and changing education gap this could be a potential for what we can do in the future.  This would also be an exciting way forward as graduate engineers can be involved in solving sustainability issues. 
  • During our undergraduate education the importance of having good communication skills is stressed, this is because we're always going to be working in teams and with stakeholders on a range of projects.  It is important that we are able and willing to go out and explain science and engineering concepts to the general population in a way they can because they will be more likely to accept and be supportive of new technologies.  If we are going out and promoting awareness and education around sustainability challenges and opportunities, it is important that we can address and breakdown misconceptions that people may have and provide answers to reservations.  It is critical that we make it easier to explain to the wider population things like the social license to operate and the need for better research to ensure that these new technologies are going to be safe and effective.”