Book now for our Safety and Loss Prevention SIG webinar - There’s more to risk assessment than HAZOP
The HAZOP process was developed over 50 years ago by ICI. This webinar, as part of IChemE's centenary events, celebrates this. Alongside HAZOP, complementary hazard studies were also promoted within ICI. Since then, much focus has been placed on HAZOP as the tool to assess process plant design. This webinar seeks to remind Members that HAZOP is part of a multi-stage process (typically six stages prior to decommissioning), and there is value in completing all the stages.
Date: 21 June 2022
Time: 8:30(BST)
Our Webinar Panel
Robin Turney - IChemE Safety and Loss Prevention SIG Committee
Robin held a number of design and operational positions in ICI before being appointed corporate lead on Hazard Studies and Risk Assessment. He served as chair of the Institution's Loss Prevention Panel and led the development of the course, Fundamental of Process Safety. He also represented the Institution on the EFCE Safety & Loss Prevention working party and on leaving ICI was appointed Technical Director of European Process Safety Centre. Currently he is a member of the Institution's Major Hazards Committee. He co-edited the book Risk Assessment in the Process Industries.
Steven Murphy - Head of Process Safety, Syngenta Group
Steven has worked for over 28 years in the manufacture of Fine Chemical Active Ingredients (Agrochemical and Pharmaceuticals) with increasing involvement in process safety, first with Zeneca and laterly with Syngenta. From early in his career he was nominated to be a Hazard Study Leader and he has led hundreds of hazard studies. He has also prepared technical aspects of COMAH Safety Reports, defended the Company Hazard Study process with Regulators and has designed Process Safety Standards. In his current role he sets the Syngenta direction on Process Safety at a global level.